Felix SitthivongMar 31, 2023Cultural CollectiveOn the Fence Line: The DOC is cutting peer-led education for inmatesOn the Fence Line: The DOC is cutting peer-led education for inmates
Felix SitthivongMar 6, 2023Cultural CollectiveOn the Fence Line: Cultural awareness groups in Washington state prisons under threatSource: https://iexaminer.org/opinion-cultural-awareness-groups-in-washington-state-prisons-under-threat/
Liberation Media NorthwestFeb 21, 2023LegislationHB1325/SB5451: Emerging Adults Parole Bill Has DiedUnfortunately the Emerging Adults Parole Bill did not make it out of committee this year.
Liberation Media NorthwestJan 22, 2023LegislationJan. 23rd DEADLINE: Help HB1324 get passed out of the House Community Safety CommitteeJan. 23rd DEADLINE: help HB1324 get passed out of the House Community Safety Committee and make it to a floor vote! Prisoners need your...
Ralph DunuanJan 20, 2023Articles & EssaysState Oppression: The Go-To Tool for the State to Continue to Oppress Indigenous PeoplesMy name is Ralph Dunuan, I am of Filipino and Coast Miwok descent. As a member of the Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Awareness Group...
Jojo EjongaAug 7, 2022Articles & EssaysThe Danger of the Favored Person and the Gatekeeper SyndromeA call for change. When we speak in terms of liberation, we must consider the impact of being tokenized by our allies. To clarify, I am...